Free invention: Energy Trap


A deep pitfall lined with conveyer-type rollers that convert the frantic movements of an entrapped wild beast into clean, renewable electricity.


Tribal peoples around the world are no longer content with ancient pastimes. Activities that appealed to their forefathers, like blow-darting marsupials, neck stretching, donning penis gourds, pale in comparison to the exciting and addictive activities of the west. They now demand our modern entertainment and conveniences, and they require the electricity it takes to run them. In order to meet this demand, we need to develop alternative energy sources using local resources.  The current invention will supply limitless wattage to underdeveloped areas by humanely exploiting local wildlife. The “manpower” for these devices will be provided by medium-to-large animals that stumble into the pitfall. As the beasts scramble to escape the trap, they drive roller-style electrical generators. The animals also benefit from this high-intensity, low-impact aerobic workout.

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